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A Story of Two Leaders

with Bob Anderson, Chief Knowledge Officer & Co-Founder of Leadership Circle

Wednesday, 23 August, 9 - 10.30am AEST

11am - 12.30pm NZST | 7 - 8.30am HKT/SGT/CST/AWST | 8 - 9.30am JST

Join this live webinar with Bob Anderson, Co-Founder and Chief Knowledge Officer of Leadership Circle, as he tells the story of two senior managers who could not work together. Bob was asked to consult with them because their relationship was having a negative impact on business results. Bob will use their two Leadership Circle Profiles to explain the Profile, how it is organised, and how it highlighted the dysfunctional dynamics between these two leaders. In so doing, you will get a good overview of the Leadership Circle Profile, its power, and how it can be used not only to successfully improve performance (individually and collectively) but also its deeply transformative impact.

This webinar is open to anyone interested in leadership development not just LC Practitioners, so if you know someone who would be interested, please share this page with them. 

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Bob Anderson, Chief Knowledge Officer & Co-Founder of Leadership Circle

Bob has dedicated his career to exploring the intersections between leadership and personal mastery and between competence and consciousness. The creator and author of The Leadership Circle Profile, an integrated and innovative leadership assessment tool, Bob is a true pioneer in the field of leadership development and research. As a founder of Leadership Circle, Bob lends his expertise to developing practitioners around the globe to carry on the powerful work derived from the tools and offerings these two companies provide to leaders. In addition, Bob co-authored Mastering Leadership, An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results and Scaling Leadership, Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most.