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The Future of Leadership is Integral: In-Formed by Unity

with Bob Anderson, Chief Knowledge Officer & Co-Founder of Leadership Circle

Wednesday, July 26

9 - 10.30am AEST

11am - 12.30pm NZST | 7 - 8.30am HKT/SGT/CST/AWST | 8 - 9.30am JST


In today's rapidly changing and interconnected world, traditional leadership approaches often fall short in addressing the complex challenges faced by organisations and societies. To meet these demands, a new paradigm of leadership has emerged: Integral Leadership.

“Integral leaders are those rare leaders capable of catalysing breakthrough innovation that, not only transforms technology, products, and services, but also the economic, organisational, political, and social systems that herald a new, emergent, higher-order, sustainable, and thriving future for the planet and all living beings.” - Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson, Chief Knowledge Officer & Co-Founder of Leadership Circle, will explore his emerging model of Unity Informed Integral Leadership which expands on integral theory and consciousness to provide a comprehensive framework for leadership development. This model emphasises the importance of cultivating unity consciousness and integrating diverse perspectives to foster transformative leadership. His approach combines self-awareness, mindfulness, and authentic presence to inspire positive change in individuals, organisations, and society as a whole.

Bob first presented this model at our 2020 Asia Pacific conference. Since then, Bob has continued the development and application of this framework. Recently, an article about this was published in Regius Magazine titled, The Future of Leadership is Integral: In-Formed by Unity. Bob has also been conducting a number of workshops helping leaders, coaches and consultants learn about, experience, embody and apply this framework. In other words, the work has progressed since Bob first introduced this model at our Conference.

A key addition to the model, since presented in 2020, is that Integral Presence is now at the centre. Presence is essential for leadership that transforms. It is also essential for the coaches and consultants that support their development. Much of our time in this session will focus on practices that open deeper connection and presence, thereby, enabling the leader/coach/consultant to resonate a transformative field of possibility. It is your presence that catalyses transformation. The rest is technique. 

Join us as Bob discusses how this work has unfolded and explores the transformative potential of Integral Leadership. This webinar will be a mix of content presentation, energetic and intuitive experiential practice, and conversation.

This webinar is open to anyone interested in leadership development not just LC Practitioners, so if you know someone who would be interested in learning more about integral leadership, please share this page with them. 

“Integral leaders are those rare leaders capable of catalysing breakthrough innovation that, not only transforms technology, products, and services, but also the economic, organisational, political, and social systems that herald a new, emergent, higher-order, sustainable, and thriving future for the planet and all living beings.” - Bob Anderson


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Bob Anderson, Chief Knowledge Officer & Co-Founder of Leadership Circle

Bob has dedicated his career to exploring the intersections between leadership and personal mastery and between competence and consciousness. The creator and author of The Leadership Circle Profile, an integrated and innovative leadership assessment tool, Bob is a true pioneer in the field of leadership development and research. As a founder of Leadership Circle, Bob lends his expertise to developing practitioners around the globe to carry on the powerful work derived from the tools and offerings these two companies provide to leaders. In addition, Bob co-authored Mastering Leadership, An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results and Scaling Leadership, Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most.


The Integral Model

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Watch the 2020 keynote